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Self-employed workers

We all know that these days, being self-employed is no longer unique. Alas, what’s important is your financial history, the type of work you do, how you get paid and so on. Talk to a Multi-Prêts broker!

You’ll find yourself an ally that understands your realities and above all, can negotiate a mortgage that fits your needs.

Jeune adulte travaillant à un ordinateur - Travailleur autonome | Multi-Prêts Hypothèques

Contact your mortgage broker for all options.

Know that if you’re self-employed, Multi-Prêts is up to the task of finding you the right mortgage.

We don’t frown upon self-employed workers. In fact, we see this as an opportunity to influence our financial partners into offering mortgages better adapted to your reality.

Self-employment: The specifics

We define a self-employed worker as someone who:

  • Manages clients personally or is paid on commission
  • Cannot prove an income via traditional verification
  • Has a two-year history of managing credit and finances
  • Has been running a small business for at least two years,  with finances that can be verified by a third party 
  • Declares annual income and business revenues

Do the following describe you? Good. We’re in business.

Five important factors for your mortgage

  • Your credit rating
  • Financial statements related to your business
  • Third party confirmation of your financial status
  • Proof that your downpayment comes from your assets
  • Contracts that demonstrate future revenue