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Customer Service

The mortgage brokerage firm Multi-Prêts Hypothèques and its mortgage brokers are committed to providing high-quality service to clients. Therefore, we have developed a policy for handling complaints.

Service à la clientèle Multi-Prêts Hypothèques

Complaint Handling

This policy aims to frame the process for handling complaints from clients, brokers, or the public in general. Every complaint is promptly addressed by the designated person according to the modalities set out in article 103 and following of the LDPSF.

Definition of a complaint

  • Any complaint directed to the firm can be submitted for various reasons:
    • A grievance against the firm or one of its mortgages brokers;
    • The reporting of a potential or actual harm suffered or likely to be suffered by a consumer;
    • An attempt at fraud in any form.
  • The complaint may be accompanied by a request for corrective action.
  • The complaint can be submitted by a client, a lender, or through the AMF whistleblower program, or by a broker.

Content of a complaint file

A complaint file contains the following information:

  • Complaint receipt number and date
  • Contact details of the complainant(s) and the broker(s) concerned
  • Means used to submit the complaint (email, letter, website, phone, etc.)
  • Documents from the complainant or a file completed by the responsible person in the case of a received phone call
  • A brief description of the actions taken to address the complaint, including the timeline for the first contact
  • Indication if the file had to be forwarded to the Authority
  • All documents received or sent to the client
  • Final written response to the complaint, including justification and the date of file closure

The firm is required to maintain an up-to-date register of complaints.

The complainant(s) must submit their complaint according to the following procedure:

  1. Write a text explaining the subject of the complaint, the broker(s) and/or lender involved, the reasons for the complaint with the consequences, and your contact details.
  2. Send the complaint by email to sac@multi-prets.ca or by mail to 525 Viger West, Suite 502, Montreal, Quebec, H2Z 0B2, to the attention of Lyne Deslippe.
  3. The complainant will be contacted by the firm within a maximum of 10 days.
  4. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the handling of their complaint or the outcome, they may request that the firm have their file reviewed by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers in accordance with Article 103.3 of the LDPSF.
  5. The Authority will review the file and may suggest conciliation or mediation as provided for in Article 103.4 of the LDPSF.